January 14, 2020 11:15 am Published by


JUN/SEN INFANTS should arrive for the show in their WONKA COSTUME with black leggings (long or short)  and a black top underneath. Children’s hair can be as mad as they like.  Colours, braids, ribbons, plaits, buns etc.  Boys can have gel, just to make them feel different.  Coloured socks with black socks underneath for Zombies.  If girls are wearing shorter dresses, they can roll the leggins up underneath or wear shorter leggins.  ALL CHILDREN MUST HAVE BLACK LEGGINS AND BLACK TOP AS A BASE UNDERNEATH. This is for Health and Safety changing purposes for staff and children.  PLEASE PUT THEIR NAMES ON THE COSTUMES AS ITEMS GO MISSING EVERY YEAR.  

THIS SECTION IS JUST FOR THE OLDER CHILDREN 1ST – 6TH CLASS.  If your child has a part, they should dress for their relevant part.  (We will give  out the parts when we have covered all aspects of the show  and when we have given ourselves and the children time to explore each discipline – music, dance and script) ALL CHILDREN MUST HAVE BLACK LEGGINS AND BLACK TOP AS A BASE.  

TICKET PRICES  are €15 for adults.  Students and OAP’S €5. Please note that all the seats have excellent and equal viewing so you do not need to come too early to get a good seat.  Also there will be a show on beforehand so you cannot gain entry.  You should arrive 15 minutes before your show time.  We will collect the children in the foyer and take them to the dressing rooms. You can pay on the day with cash as we don’t have card facilities OR online IE08AIBK93251521395266. Text me that you have paid and I will email a receipt.  

IMPORTANT NOTICE – Please do not bring anything extra to the dressing room as clothes go missing every year.            

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This post was written by Liz Brennan

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